Дорогие друзья!

Мы рады пригласить Вас отдохнуть у подножья Великих гор Улытау! Улытау был излюбленным местом встреч и отдыха казахских ханов. Эта благодатная земля во все времена является священным уголком для всех представителей трех жузов Казахского народа.

База отдыха «Пионерский лагерь Улытау» - замечательное место для экологичного отдыха в кругу семьи, родных и близких. У Вас есть прекрасная возможность прогуляться по реликтовой березовой роще, по берегу горной речки и испить чистейшей родниковой лечебной воды, а также приготовить свои любимые блюда на костре и попробовать наш вкусный настоящий кумыс!

Здесь открывается красота Мира и величие Природы, появляется возможность взглянуть на жизнь под новым, необычным углом.

Мы можем для Вас провести двухдневный автомобильный тур по маршруту: мавзолеи Алаша-хана, Жошы-хана, Домбаул, урочише Зангыр тас, Едыге тау, Аулие тау, холм Алтыншокы. У Вас есть прекрасная возможность посетить Музей «Улытау» и Музей истории горного и плавильного дела в пос. Жезды.

Даже один день такого отдыха может показать Вам всю красоту и простоту наслаждения жизнью на Земле! И уж точно восстановит Ваши силы для новых свершений и достижений.

Проведите Ваши выходные и праздники на природе! Отдыхайте в свое удовольствие комфортно, выгодно и безопасно! Мы с радостью ждем Вас!

Tips for Reducing Monthly Heating and Cooling Bills

Tips for Reducing Monthly Heating and Cooling Bills

It may seem like summer is still a world away, but now is actually the best time to start making preparations for next year. It's incredible how many residential households waste money on running and maintaining old, inefficient air conditioning units. Don't make that mistake; look into a Roseville Heating and Air Conditioning company that can help now, before the hottest months arrive and follow the few simple tips and tricks below to save money on monthly energy bills throughout the summer and the rest of the year.


Seal up the House


Windows and doors that have not been adequately sealed constitute one of the largest sources of heat transfer throughout the entire year, although this effect will likely make itself most easily felt during the hottest and coldest months of summer and winter respectively. Installing weatherstripping around leaky windows and doors and sealing up any cracks with caulk can reduce energy costs throughout the year by as much as 30%.


Heat or Cool Specific Rooms


Most modern heating and cooling systems allow users to choose which rooms of their homes they want to treat, but homeowners who haven't taken the time to update their systems can't take advantage of this energy-saving technology. Hiring a Rocklin heating contractor to install a unit that is capable of heating or cooling just one area of the home at a time can help homeowners save money without reducing their overall comfort. Of course, there are also times that the entire home does require indoor climate control, so it's still a good idea to have central air.


Upgrade ductless heat pump


By far the most effective thing that homeowners can do to reduce their energy bills during the coldest months of winter and the hottest months of summer is to upgrade their aging climate control units to newer, more energy efficient models. In Rocklin, this is most important during the summer. It may seem like those hot months are still a long ways off, but it's a good idea for homeowners to look into Rocklin air conditioning installation now before they hit to ensure that their families will be comfortable throughout the summer and the rest of the year.


goodman ac and Repairs


Sometimes even newer, energy efficient heating and cooling units can become less efficient and effective due to inadequate maintenance or minor problems that could easily be repaired. Should homeowners see a spike in their bills, they should call for Rocklin AC repair or heating repair immediately instead of waiting for something to go seriously wrong.

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