Дорогие друзья!

Мы рады пригласить Вас отдохнуть у подножья Великих гор Улытау! Улытау был излюбленным местом встреч и отдыха казахских ханов. Эта благодатная земля во все времена является священным уголком для всех представителей трех жузов Казахского народа.

База отдыха «Пионерский лагерь Улытау» - замечательное место для экологичного отдыха в кругу семьи, родных и близких. У Вас есть прекрасная возможность прогуляться по реликтовой березовой роще, по берегу горной речки и испить чистейшей родниковой лечебной воды, а также приготовить свои любимые блюда на костре и попробовать наш вкусный настоящий кумыс!

Здесь открывается красота Мира и величие Природы, появляется возможность взглянуть на жизнь под новым, необычным углом.

Мы можем для Вас провести двухдневный автомобильный тур по маршруту: мавзолеи Алаша-хана, Жошы-хана, Домбаул, урочише Зангыр тас, Едыге тау, Аулие тау, холм Алтыншокы. У Вас есть прекрасная возможность посетить Музей «Улытау» и Музей истории горного и плавильного дела в пос. Жезды.

Даже один день такого отдыха может показать Вам всю красоту и простоту наслаждения жизнью на Земле! И уж точно восстановит Ваши силы для новых свершений и достижений.

Проведите Ваши выходные и праздники на природе! Отдыхайте в свое удовольствие комфортно, выгодно и безопасно! Мы с радостью ждем Вас!

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Thermal Top Covered:

labelsThis number of information features a protecting application to protect the thermal vulnerable finish image community from pollution of body fat, grease, solvents and plasticisers from appearance videos that could enter into contact during space or transportation. This variety of papers media is usually used in freezer settings for pre jam-packed items e.g. meat and parmesan cheese. This product can be used in supermarkets on fresh and iced services useful for industrial barcoding.


a wood no-cost average sleek unit coated documents with good whiteness. Semi-gloss labels were a form of general paper used in thermal transfer printing and multi-colour print, were terms and conditions information are expected. They're also useful for marketing software.


a smooth, white-colored report which will be machine done but also wood free of charge. Vellum labels are used for general purpose applications, like barcoding and normal records labeling.


That is an obvious or gloss white-coated movie which is used for strict and durable services. Polypropylene labels need a waterproof material used to label beauty products, toiletries and included in marketing labeling. An unique thermal move ribbon is needed to print onto this type of media which Label Metrics can feed.
To understand even more about this site and visit us, please check out our websites handle with care labels printable (source web page).
Now, you're not simply for only imprinted handle labels for your own personel property both. Several business use sticky handle labels due to their team ideas, in addition to their icon.

Labels can be produced to appear exactly like sales cards, and will be placed just on messages, but also any items that the organization trade also. That is of great ease to a lot of people, that create services give them to folks in both the same nation and around the world.

There are plenty of businesses that sell customized target labels, and also the wet back target labels don't cost that much to order. In many cases, simple labels can be quite inexpensive, as well as are available in a number of amounts. You can get quick, small-sized labels, at 3 hundred at under $12, plus the better you purchase, the considerably the price tag per unit.

You are able to put as few as 300, up to plenty at the same time. You could pick among an assortment of keying models, background styles or personalize your very own, as mentioned earlier. You are not tied to dimensions either, and will actually create big labels, having area when it comes to senders target to them at the same time.

As far as transportation charges for personalized street address labels happens, it certainly is dependent on the quantity bought, as well as how rapidly you need them delivered to your house or organization.

Whenever ordering, it is important to submit all of your current info effectively, and later hunt it once again once more in the event, the worst thing you should do is actually location an order for 1,000 mistyped target labels.

Наши гости:


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Кең даланың қақ төсінде тау жатыр,

Атын айтсаң кетер жаның жылынып.

Өр тұлғасы маңғаз, кербез, сымбатты,

Ұларлы жер баба сырын тыңдатты.

Бар қазаққа орда болған ақжолтай,

Жер табылмас Ұлытаудан қымбатты.

Кәкімбек Салықов